What is branding? How can students who are setting out for their careers identify their strengths and brand themselves? This was the topic of the first session of the course conducted for students of Indian Management Institute (IMI), Bhubaneshwar held on 25 November 2021.
The session dwelt upon the meaning of brand, and took the students through steps on identifying their strengths and talking about themselves in a cohesive manner. Talking of their background, hobbies and interests helped them to identify their strengths. Further activities helped them to connect their goals with their strengths. The stress was on three principles; being authentic, engaging, and consistent.
Once they learn to understand what they are, they need to align their goals with that of the job they are looking for as well as the company they wish to be a part of.
This will be covered in the next and final session.
Thank you, IMI, Bhubaneswar for giving me the opportunity to connect with young minds and take them through this journey.